Thursday, February 20, 2014

Keeping Momentum

If you're expecting this to be an awesome post about physics, or to just keep moving forward in life, or an in depth study of how a baseball accelerated to 90% of light speed would create an explosion via nuclear fusion, you will be sorely disappointed. (The blog post about the baseball is actually here.)

The purpose of this post is to keep me posting. If I go more than a few days without being on here,
  1. My insanity will develop further and
  2. The people I know who now keep tabs on me via this blog (damn youuuu!) might get a bit concerned.
On the note of the people who are reading this, seriously, damn you. It doesn't change a thing, and this blog is still for me to shout into the depths of the interblag. (Relevant) If that upsets you or makes you uncomfortable, then buck up, buttercup.

I actually have the core kernels for several posts percolating in my head, and they'll either slither out over the course of the next few weeks, or they'll get herguhmerguhblerghed up here late one night. Upcoming topics may be:
  • Relationships (Platonic, romantic, and every other variation thereof)
  • Relationship with one's self (the most vital of relationships)
  • People (Who are really REALLY dumb)
  • People (Who I can mostly handle being around) 
  • Literature (Both contemporary and classic)
  • Nerdiness (Really? You don't need a sub-note for this)
  • Quotes ( I reeeally appreciate a good quote)

I could say screw that and write whatever I damn well please because this is my blog, thank you very much. Two notes to close out, though. 1) If/when I DO change the address for this blog, I will post about it at least a week in advance and change it at a specific time so y'all people who may or may not be there (Note #1) can update your bookmarks. 2) There will be some profanity in this blog, and while I don't foresee anything gratuitously graphic going on here, there might come a situation that would call for it. Again, if that makes you uncomfortable, I knew quite a few wonderful blogs I can direct you to.

Note #1) That phrase I use sparked a thought process in my head. I believe I shall call my readers Schrodingers due to the fact that they may or may not be there. I understand that's a gross misunderstanding of the cat in the box thing, but you know what, it works for me.

Spontaneous Note #2) Any people I mention from my life will have a codename or an abbreviation that will make perfect sense to me, so it works. I state this because if you see people referred to as certain superheroes or literary characters, it doesn't mean I've (finally) gone off the deep end. It means that name is easy for me to remember and a trigger to that person in my mind.

Well, I think I've rambled at you enough for tonight, and i actually got some semi-important statements out of the way.


  1. Codenames would probably be easier and less confusing than simple letters… as our conversations have repeatedly proven.

  2. I saw "core kernels percolating" and understood "corn kernels percolating" so I had to make popcorn and tea.

    Damn you.
