Monday, March 24, 2014

Glory and Gore

Sometimes I wish I had more guts. I see people saying or doing something that I'm pretty damn sure is going to go badly for them, but I respect their "free will"or some shit.

Right now I'm tempted to say fuck that.

I want to get upset and tell people my opinion, because I know these people actually value my opinion and it will affect them, but I'm really damn scared they'll leave me because of it. It's irrational and stupid, but it's a big thing to me.

But if I stay quiet they could get really messed up.



  1. Dude. Just go for it. I mean, if these people actually value your opinion they'll at least listen even if they still decide to pursue a different course. If the relationship is legit, they won't leave you for speaking your mind. You haven't left ME yet, have you? Nope.

    But I just want you to know that it's a totally normal and commonplace fear. I have the same problem sometimes. Well… a lot of times. That fear is amplified when I'm dealing with the doctors, because if they don't like what I'm saying they can totally fuck my life.

  2. Hey. You. With the face and the typey fingers. What's with the unexplained and prolonged absence?
